This process is available to everyone with administrator level access to Booking Rooster Course & Event Management Software, including Events Pronto.
- Find the correct course, event and date you want
- Add Booking Details - where you add the booker & invoicee details plus internal notes
- Add Ticket Details - where you choose which ticket, add attendee details and may add extra fees.
- Finalise Booking - where you choose the payment method, add PO number, apply discount code, set the booker's data privacy preference and remind them of the terms of booking.
Find the course/event & date
You can start this process either:
- In Bookings, or
- In Courses/Events
The starting place is a matter of your personal preference. Administrators for small organisations usually start in bookings. Administrators for large organisations usually start in courses/events because they can filter to find all available dates for a particular course type & location before progressing to the booking.
Starting in Bookings
- Go to Bookings
- Select the right course or event date from the "Current Course" box
Starting in Courses/Events
- Go to courses/events
- Use the filter boxes and buttons to find the course or event you need, then hit SEARCH
- Click "Manage Bookings" to take you directly to the Bookings Panel with the desired current course or event selected.
- TIP: your courses or events have a lot of ticket options that sell out fast you might like to click the + sign to the left of the course or event listing to see how many of each ticket is left before
Add Booking Details
How to Add Bookings
- Check you are in the right course or event (highlighted blue)
- Click the ADD NEW BOOKING button, then:
- Select the Booker from the dropdown list (see tips on when to use the + sign to add them )
- Check, and edit (if necessary) their invoicing details
- In the unlikely event you want to write a special note, add it here (see tips about special notes).
- Click NEXT - ADD TICKET DETAILS to move to the next step.
Tips for Adding Booking Details
- Always search for the booker in the dropdown list before using the + sign to add them. You do not want to create duplicate. The best way to search is to:
- Use just a small part of the least common name (as long as you can spell it) or their email address. So for Benjamin Smith:
- Start by typing "Ben
- If that produces a longish list scroll down to Ben or Benjamin Smith.
- If its a really long list try typing the full Benjamin.
- If that's not there, try Ben Smith.
- If none of those are visible, then use the + sign.
- When completing any forms the presence of an * shows a field is compulsory (e.g. *First Name).
- The Notes section is rarely used. Notes added here only show in the area accessed from the SHOW button for that booking.
- To comply with data privacy laws you really should tell the booker you'll be storing these details.
The Add Booking Details Highlight Trail
- Dark blue underscores are things to watch out for along the ways. In order of appearance:
- Check that you are in the right organisation (if you run many) and course or event.
- Check that there are likely to be enough tickets left to fulfill your order.
- Don't forget to let the caller know that you're saving their details.
- Be sure to check you have the right invoicing name and acccounts email
Add Ticket Details
How to add Ticket Details
There are two possible routes here:
- Usual route with ticketholder names.- where you enter the ticketholder names and all other compulsory details as you enter the booking, Or
- Alternate route - where you reserve places but enter the ticketholder names later (If you run events rather than courses you might actually never enter the names. For example, you may not want to know the names of all 10 people on a group booking, or might not need to know names for any bookings)
Usual Route
After Clicking NEXT - ADD TICKET DETAILS you will be taken to the page where you:
- Select the ticket name
- Select a ticketholder the dropdown box (the tips on when to use the + sign option are the same as for when you add bookers),
- Complete any *compulsory details and any other details the booker can provide that you will find useful
- Click ADD Ticket
- Repeat the process, until you have added all the tickets you need.
- If you need to add Fees such as accommodation or mileage charges, click the SHOW option in the fees section (usually only necessary for privates courses).
- Checked the Booked Items section to make you you have the right people on the right courses.
- Click NEXT- FINALISE booking to move to the next step.
Alternate Route
The alternate route is the same as the usual route, except that in step 2 and 3 are replaced with this process:
- Select the ticket name
- Check the "Enter Ticketholder Names Later" button
- Select the Ticket
- Enter the number of tickets you need of that type
- Repeat if you need tickets of other types.
- Continue as in the Usual Route.
Tips for adding Ticket Details
- If the person doesn't have all attendee names and other details your organisation has made compulsory for this course or event, consider taking the alternate route at this point.
- Compulsory fields will be marked with an *. All others are optional. Ask your own team which optional details your team likes to collect at the time of booking.
- If you are taking bookings for formal qualifications be sure to ask your caller for the full legal name of each participant. Listen for common nick names and check what the actual name is. If they say Bob ask "Is the name on their driver licence Bob or Robert. if running events the 'preferred name' is totally fine as the first name.
The Add Ticket Details Highlight Trail for the Usual Route
USUAL ROUTE - When you have clicked "NEXT - ADD TICKET DETALS you are taken to this screen. If you are adding ticketholder names and all compulsory details now, take this route. If not click here to see how to start the alternate route.
ENTER: all *compulsory fields and any optional that you can
REPEAT: the above if you have more than one ticket to add.
SKIP: the next two shots unless adding fees (eg accommodation or mileage for private courses)
CHECK: you have the complete booking before clicking NEXT - FINALISE BOOKINGS
Highlight Trail for the Alternate Route
THE ALTERNATE ROUTE - When you have clicked "NEXT - ADD TICKET DETALS you are taken to this screen, where you can add tickets in the name or an organisation or booker:
REPEAT: the above if you have more than one ticket to add (e.g 3 full and 1 refresher)
SKIP: the next two shots unless adding fees (eg accommodation or mileage for private courses)
CHECK: you have the complete booking before clicking NEXT - FINALISE BOOKINGS
Finalise Bookings
How to Finalise Bookings
You may see some or all of these fields.
- Choose a payment method
- Select a Voucher Code if applicable
- Add the client's PO Number if that have one
- Check the bookers privacy preferences
- Remind the bookers of the key terms and that they are agreeing to all terms
- If they are paying by credit card you will be taken the the credit card processing area.
- You will then see a notification that the booking is complete, with the booking number.
- Exactly what is sent to the booker (and sometimes the customer) depends on your own configuration settings and the way the specific course or event has been set-up.
Tips for Finalising Bookings
- The range of payment options you see here depends on:
- Your organisation settings
- The options offered in the set-up of this specific event
- If you use the Booking Rooster's partner programme, and the booker email addressed is recognised as one or your accountholders or 'partners', the payment method may be pre-set, even if other clients have choices (e.g. good payers might be on-account, bad payers and/or non-account-holders might be credit card only)
- You will only see the Voucher Code field if there are vouchers available that could be applied to this course or event. Only apply voucher codes if you are sure you should. If in doubt check with your own team members. You can not undo these, because your client invoice is set in stone immediately that you press SAVE BOOKING
- If you do business with other business, especially big business, its likely that some of your clients will have a Purchase Order (PO) number. Always ask if they have one, and note it here. If their organisation uses PO's, then its likely they won't pay the invoice unless it has a PO on. If you don't get it now, your accounting team will spend time chasing payment. Some organisations that use the 'Partner Programme' have PO as a required field for those clients that must have it.
The Finalise Bookings Highlight Trail
SELECT OR ADD - the details that you need, remember to inform the booker of the privacy rules and terms.
TIP: It's a good idea to check the booking summary that shows at the lower right of your screen before you press SAVE BOOKING. Just to be sure the invoice will be right.
FINISHED: If the person is paying by credit card you will be taken to payment processing before being returned to the following screen, that confirms the booking is complete.
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