New Zealand driver training businesses that use the qualifications feature and the assessment kiosk qualify to have the NZTA report free of charge within the standard set-up price. For the report to be effective you will need to use these features and have included an 'abbreviation' in each qualification component that needs to be reported to NZQA.
If you have this report it will appear in the Reports tab. It is called "NZTA" in the menu options. This report is useful provided you record student information and assessments for each driver. This help resource covers:
What is needed to set-up your NZTA report
To have your NZTA report set up you simply need to:
- provide Booking Rooster with your NZTA Register Name and Provider Number.
- ask all assessors to sign up to Booking Rooster and assign them trainer/instructor access rights.
Fields in the NZTA report
The NZTA report is designed to have all data you need to provide NZTA for audit purposes. You can either export the report or give the auditor temporary organiser-level access to your Booking Rooster so they can run reports for any period themselves. Currently the report contains the following data - provided you have entered it for each student, of course:
- Register - the provider name your registered with NZTA (auto-filled)
- Company ID - NZTA Provider Number (auto-filled)
- Driver Full Name
- Driver Physical Address
- Driver Phone Number
- Driver Licence Number
- Driver Licence Version
- Course Name, showing as abbreviations:
- 1 - Class 1 Full
- 2 - Class 2 Full
- 4 - Class 4 Full
- 5 - Class 5 Full
- LB - Logbook
- W - Wheels endorsement
- T - Tracks endorsement
- R - Rollers endorsement
- F - F (Forklift) endorsement
- DG - Dangerous goods endorsement
- V - Vehicle Recovery Endorsement
- Unit (i.e. Unit Standard)
- Outcome
- A - Achieved
- NYA -Not Yet Achieved)
- Assessment Date
- Certificate Number (from NZTA Cert)
- Certificate Issued Date
- Ticket (the Booking Rooster TCK number auto-filled)
- Assessor Name
NZQA Ethnicity Data
You may request any ethnicity categories be used for students as long as they comply with the 3 digit options provided by NZQA. Two digit codes are no longer accepted t by NZQA. Their documentation says:
Appendix 1: Appendix 1: Revised Web Data File Format Information for NQF
This revised file format supporting 3 digit ethnicity codes has been available from 2 April 2007 and replaces the legacy file format described in Appendix 2. The existing file format supporting 2 digit ethnicity codes will be supported until April 2008 – see Appendix 2 for details.
The changes are:
• File type F22 is replaced by F23.
Appendix 2: Legacy Web Data File Format Information for NQF
This file layout describes the original F22 and QR1 files which supported 2 digit ethnicity codes. Support for these file types will be withdrawn as
of April 2008.
Note that if you have this report set up and add abbreviations to other qualifications you will need to contact to have the non-NZTA line items removed from the report.
If NZTA require any fields that you are not seeing in your report please contact urgently, letting us know what field you need added and in what position in the report it is needed. We update this report for all driver training businesses any time one business reports a change is needed. For changes that affect your own business only a custom report may be needed.
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