This report is available to driver training businesses on request - there is no charge for adding this report in its standard form. It allows you to run a report of all Forklift Operator Certificates bookings for a date range. This report can be run for any time period from the Reports tab. It is called "FOP" in the Report menu options. It is popular with businesses that run driver licence and endorsement courses plus the Forklift Operator course This help resource covers:
What is needed to set-up your FOP report
There are three things that need to be right in your software configuration and set-up for this report to be complete:
- The report needs to be added (if you don't see it contact
- All Forklift Operator Certificate qualification components need to be set up with the abbreviation "FOP" to feed through the FOC report.
- If you want Assessor ID's to flow through into the report you need to add them. To to this:
- Go to Contacts > Trainers
- Click on the trainer name.
- Enter it in the Trainer ID field
- Scroll to the bottom and click UPDATE to cement the change
Fields in the FOP report
- Company - your organisation name
- Assessor ID - if added during set-up.
- Name - student first middle and last name.
- Organisation - student's organisation, if any
- DoB - Student's date of birth
- Course - Name of course
- Outcome - usually A (Achieved), NYA (Not Yet Achieved) or Absent.
- Assessment Date - as entered in kiosk or Bookings > ASSESS
- Certificate Number - as entered in kiosk or Bookings > ASSESS
- Certificate Issued - date entered in kiosk or Bookings > ASSESS
- Ticket Assessor - entered in kiosk or Bookings > ASSESS
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