If you use the qualifications feature and the Booking Rooster assessment kiosk or mark students using the administrator assess functionality, and check 'unit' beside each NZQA unit standard the NZQA related reports are available on all service plans. These are:
- The NZQA export file - a file you can export in TXT format from the Course Management page for any instance of a course and use to upload students and outcomes to NZQA. You can run this file for individual courses only.
- The NZQA Display report - a version of the NZQA upload file you can create in CSV format from the Reports Tab. You can run this report for individual courses only.
- NZQA report - a file you can run for any time period.
This article covers:
Correct set-up for NZQA Reporting
Before using your NZQA upload file or reports, please check that your software is fully set-up. This information is also useful for trouble-shooting if you think something is missing from the reports:
- Ensure your qualifications are set up correctly, and all components have 'unit' ticked. If the unit value is not checked in the qualifications set up the line item will not display.
- Ask all assessors to sign up to Booking Rooster and assign them trainer/instructor access rights.
- If your trainers have NZQA-related ID numbers enter those numbers in your trainer profile:
- Go to Contacts
- Select the trainer sub-menu (this may be called instructor, facilitator, host or another word you chose)
- Click on a trainer's name
- Scroll down and enter the trainer ID (If you also have NZTA trainer Id's you will need an ID for each agency). If you don't see separate fields for these contact support@bookingrooster.co.nz to have them added.
- Scroll to the bottom and click the UPDATE button
- Repeat steps 3-5 for each trainer.
The NZQA Upload file and Display report
These files have identical content and can be run for individual courses only. If these are set-up in your software you will find:
- The NZQA Export button in the Manage Bookings section of any instance of a course.
- The NZQA Display report in the Reports tab.
The content of the NZQA Display file exactly mirrors the data in the NZQA Upload file. Note that the ethnicity code is the NZQA ethnicity code. The fields are:
- Student ID
- Last Name
- First Names
- Street
- City
- Postcode
- Country
- DoB
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Unit
- Version
- Result
- Course End Date
Fields in the NZQA report
The NZQA report is designed to have the data you need to provide NZQA for audit purposes. You can either export the report or give the auditor temporary organiser-level access to your Booking Rooster so they can run reports for any period themselves. Currently the report contains the following data - provided you have entered it for each student, of course:
- Course Type
- Ticket Type
- Last Name
- First Name
- Date of Birth
- ROL Number
- Instructor
- Address
- Issued Date
Depending on your original set-up specifications you may have other qualifications, such as refreshers showing in this report. If you need anything removed contact support@bookingrooster.co.nz.
If NZTA require any fields that you are not seeing in your report please contact support@bookingrooster.co.nz, letting us know what field you need added and in what position in the report it is needed. Booking Rooster update this report for all training businesses that offer NZQA qualifications any time one business reports a change is needed. For changes that affect your own business only a custom report may be needed.
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